Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 5 – Watch out for waterfalls

Today in the morning we put our feet in the trainers, our body in sport wear and sunglasses on our heads, we got in the bus and started a half an hour journey to a destination naturale - Koleshino waterfalls! We were hiking to the place and got bit tired but it was worth it - we all got amazed by the beauty of the waterfalls! We refreshed ourselves and really enjoyed the lunch by the waterfalls. After that, we had an afternoon in the city of Strumica and got a chance to meet the city, fell its rhythm, drink coffee/beer in the local cafes, play pool and learn the prizes in the shops. ☺ At the end of the day, we sat down and discussed the script that we need to film tomorrow. We are looking forward to it (even if we know that it is going to be extra intensive). ☺☺