To prepare a fabulous tasty Let's cre8 together
close up screening event you need:
- Brilliant young people from Let's cre8 together course
- Three amazing films promoting youth voice values
- Support from Strumica major and municipality
Bake it all for 1,5 hours in the brand new 'Dom na Art' Building, on 10
0% excitement temperature
and the gr8 Let's cre8 together final screening event is ready to be served.
Let's cre8 together creative Chefs have served the the Let's cre8 together house specialty,
packed in 1,5 hours event that took place in Strumica's Dom na ARM.
We are more than delighted for having the honor of receiving endless s
upport by the Major of Strumica, who attended the event and set an example of how the local government should support youth activism.
The event celebration was followed by a even sweeter dessert spiced with disco party flavor. All Let's cre8 together creative creatures continued celebrating the successful course round up in one of the best night clubs in Macedonia. We discovered many dancing super stars during the wild party that lasted till early morning hours.
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